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Impressive Online Footprints for Frenchtown’s Adult Day Program

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Impressive Online Footprints for Frenchtown’s Adult Day Program

In Frenchtown Twp., an inspiring video about the Adult Day Program at the Frenchtown Center for Active Adults has caught the attention of many. So far, this 30-minute clip has gathered an impressive over 149,000 views on YouTube. These viewers aren’t just watching passively. The center has already seen an impact, with new clients signing up and increased inquiries about their services.

The video’s creator, Lance A. Slatton, is a local success story himself. Hailing from Carleton, he is the driving force behind Enriched Life Home Care Services, a company committed to educating and serving family caregivers. His work isn’t limited to one location, though, as he proudly states, “We go all over. We come to you.”

All Home Care Matters

Slatton is now equally well-known for his video series, ‘All Home Care Matters.’ Having produced 330 episodes since 2020, and many of them boasting upwards of 230,000 views. He proudly announced that his channel has already garnered a staggering 24 million views in total and has subscribers from nearly every continent. His impressive content and reach earned him YouTube’s Silver Creator Award, a prestigious honor given to channels with more than 100,000 subscribers. In this case, Slatton far surpassed that number, attracting 122,000 subscribers thus far.

However, Slatton’s focus remains on using his platform for meaningful causes. His aim is to educate people, assist non-profit organizations, and raise awareness around important issues, particularly in the field of caregiving. The Adult Day Program at Frenchtown was one such cause he chose to highlight, recognizing that many people misunderstood its concept and value.

Slatton’s Personal Journey

Slatton’s journey to caregiving wasn’t a planned one, but came out of necessity when his father fell and suffered injuries. It was during this time, while caring for his father, that Slatton realized that many others must be facing similar challenges. He saw a gap in education and support for family caregivers and decided to shift his career to fill these gaps.

His pursuit to help others didn’t stop there. Besides educating through videos, Slatton writes articles, provides necessary medical equipment to those in need, and offers invaluable advice in seminars. His aim is to support caregivers in every way possible, from providing practical advice such as using a red plate to encourage dementia patients to eat, to promoting services offered by senior centers.

The Adult Day Program at Frenchtown Center for Active Adults

Funded by various local sources and offering a sliding scale payment option for families, depending on income, the program provides caregivers with a safe and stimulating environment where they can leave their loved ones. Attendees of the program participate in numerous social activities including exercise, current events discussions, bingo, crafts, trivia games and even pet therapy. They are also provided with meals and snacks during the day.

Despite the numerous benefits, adult day programs are few and far between. Frenchtown’s program, which has been running for 26 years, stands out for its dedication to providing respite for caregivers and promoting social interaction among dementia patients, earning it the title of being “the best-kept secret in Monroe.”

More Information

For those keen to know more about the Frenchtown Center for Active Adults and its Adult Day Program, they can visit Frenchtown Center for Active Adults. To watch the popular video on the program, they can visit this link.

Author: HERE Novi

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