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Challenges in Progress of EV Chargers Raise Eyebrows in South Lyon

EV charger shortage solution

Challenges in Progress of EV Chargers Raise Eyebrows in South Lyon

In South Lyon, the local government and the downtown development group are butting heads over issues with the rollout of charging stations for electric vehicles (EVs). The utility provider, DTE, has given the green light for the installation in three of the proposed five locations. Still, ChargEV, the company tasked with the installation, is apparently hitting roadblocks.

“Seems like we’re stuck in the mud with this ChargEV group,” shared one of the city council members, Alex Hansen. He expressed his frustration during a discussion with the head of the downtown development group, Nate Mack. “Sounds to me like maybe it’s time to consider other options. I heard Farmington got their chargers in less than six months. We’ve been waiting on this for three years!” Hansen lamented.

Another council member, Margaret Kurtzweil, put forward a query to Mack, “Are there netted some rules that would stop you from scouting a different supplier?”. In response, Mack revealed that they had entered into a contract with ChargEV but did not know offhand the specifics of how they could sever ties with them. He noted he would need to review the contract and possibly seek legal counsel.

Mack shared with the council that the city’s original deal stumbled and fell through. Subsequently, they entered into a contract with ChargEV the previous year. “Honestly, the current deal we have is pretty inexpensive for us to get the chargers set up,” he remarked, adding that the downtown development group would foot most of the bill. Mack acknowledged that the group’s budget was modest, limiting what they could achieve.

The council members were left puzzled, under the impression that the chargers were supposed to be installed at zero cost, with the city getting a cut of the revenues. “It seems like ChargEV is now proposing we pay a part of the install fee, and that we’d get a bigger cut of the revenue later on,” Mack revealed. For the time being, however, there has been no official action taken on this matter.

Author: HERE Novi

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