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Schools Close and Dismiss Early as Heatwave Hits Southfield

Students in empty classroom.

Schools Close and Dismiss Early as Heatwave Hits Southfield

In a response to the ongoing heatwave, Southfield Public Schools made the decision to cancel all classes and after-school activities on Tuesday. The heat index in the area is reportedly expected to hit over 100 degrees, prompting the decision.

Mariana King, a local student starting her final middle school year at Birney, expressed her bafflement and disappointment with the school’s decision. In her own words, she’s eager to return back to what she describes as ‘chilly’ classrooms and doesn’t perceive the heat index as an issue in her school.

However, Southfield wasn’t the only district affected. Other districts including Eastpointe and Detroit have taken the cue and dismissed their pupils earlier than usual on Tuesday due to this extreme heat.

“Our schools don’t all have air conditioning. We start this year about 50%, and all but 10will have air conditioning within the next five years,” stated Detroit’s Superintendent. He expressed the excitement about the new investments in improved comfort for the students.

Meghan Davis, a parent with a child attending a Detroit charter school, described this unexpected change as an inconvenience and expressed her wish for all schools to make sure they have functioning climate controls, be it heaters or AC units.

In her opinion, it’s crucial to ensure a comfortable learning environment for the students and teaching environment for the staff members. She fondly recalled her early student days when having to endure extreme temperatures wasn’t a valid reason to cancel the classes.

Despite the inconvenience, safety takes the priority, and in this case, it means a day off from school for the area students.

Author: HERE Novi

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